1998/11/11 FilterEditor 1.0 Release Note FilterEditor is a filter configuration application for PortMaster(R) products based on Sun's Java Virtual Machine 1.1.4. Version 1.0 of FilterEditor is available to any Lucent customer at no charge. FilterEditor was designed to do the following: - Be portable across operating systems - Read filters from and save filters to PortMaster products, configuration files, and ChoiceNet(R) filter files - Let you view and configure the list of rules in a filter - Let you edit a filter rule The FilterEditor provides a single document interface (SDI) panel with a list of the current filter rules at the top and a rule editor at the bottom. Contents FilterEditor Functions System Requirements Installing FilterEditor Running FilterEditor New Features in FilterEditor 1.0 Limitations Your Comments Technical Support FilterEditor Functions FilterEditor provides the following main functions: - Adding, deleting, and renaming filters - Adding, deleting, and reordering filter rules - Editing a single filter rule - Copying filters from one source to many sources - Copying filter rules from one filter to many filters - Reading filters from and saving filters to various formats Reading Filters The File menu lists the options for reading filters. - Open File opens the specified configuration file and reads all the filters. - Connect opens a connection window to connect to a PortMaster product. - Import ChoiceNet Filter opens the specified ChoiceNet file and adds the filter to the current source. Configuring Filters The Filters menu lists the options for configuring filters. - New Filter creates a new filter with a specified name. - Rename Filter renames the current filter with the specified name. - Clone Filter creates an exact copy of the current filter with a new specified name. - Delete Filter deletes the current filter. - Copy Filters displays a panel where you can specify the filter source, the filters to copy, and the destination sources. Configuring Filter Rules If a single filter rule is selected in the rule list, the rule's configuration appears in the rule editor. You can edit the rule and select the Apply Changes button for the changes to be reflected in the rule list. The Cancel Changes button restores the rule to its configuration as represented in the rule list. The row of buttons directly beneath the filter rule list provides most of the rule configuration options: - Add Rule appends a new rule to the end of the rule list. - Delete Rule deletes the selected rules in the list. - Move Up moves a contiguous selection of rules up by one rule number. - Move Down moves a contiguous selection of rules down by one rule number. Additionally, the Edit menu provides the ability to cut, copy, and paste filter rules from one filter to another. Saving Filters The File menu provides the list of options for saving filters. NOTE: Unlike PMVision, changes are not immediately applied to the source. - Save saves the filters of the currently selected source. - Save All saves the filters of all the open sources. - Export Filters to File saves the selected filters from the current source to a specified file. - Export Filter to ChoiceNet File saves the IP rules of the current filter to a ChoiceNet file. System Requirements FilterEditor is a Java-based product that can run on any system with JDK or JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.1.4 or later installed. Nondevelopers can use JRE rather than JDK. Currently, JDK 1.1 and JRE 1.1 are available for the following platforms: - Windows NT 4.0 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/ - Windows 95 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/ - Solaris 2.5.1 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/ - Solaris x86 2.5.1 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/ - Linux 2.x ftp://lagrange.la.asu.edu/pub/Linux_jdk/ - FreeBSD http://www.freebsd.org/java/ - SGI IRIX 6.3 http://www.sgi.com/Products/DevMagic/products/java.html - HP-UX 10.02 http://www.hp.com/esy/go/java.html - Alpha Digital Unix 4.0 http://www.digital.com/java/download/ - IBM AIX 4.1 http://www.ibm.com/java/tools/jdk.html - All other platforms http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/java-ports.cgi Installing FilterEditor 1. Download files from the Lucent Remote Access FTP site as follows: ftp ftp.livingston.com (Enter "anonymous".) (Enter your email address; it will not echo.) binary cd pub/le/software/java - For Solaris, enter get filtereditor10_solaris.tar - For other UNIX systems, enter get filtereditor10_unix.tar - For Windows, enter get filtereditor10.zip quit 2. Make sure the path values are set properly: - For UNIX systems, define the path for jre1.1.4/bin in the .cshrc file. For example, if you install jre1.1.4 in the /usr/local/lib directory, the .cshrc file must have the following entry: set path=( /usr/local/lib/jre1.1.4/bin $path ) - For JRE or JDK 1.1.5 on Windows systems, installing JRE or JDK sets the correct values for PATH and CLASSPATH on both Windows NT and Windows 95. - For JRE or JDK 1.1.4 on Windows 95, edit c:\autoexec.bat and add path=%PATH%;\bin Replace with the location where the JRE or JDK was installed. NOTE: If the JDK is installed instead of the JRE, the scripts must be edited. - For JRE or JDK 1.1.4 on Windows NT 4.0, define the path for jre1.1.4 or jdk1.1.4 in the System Environment as follows: a. Open the Control Panel. b. Click the System icon. c. Click the Environment. d. On the display window, highlight and click the line with the word Path. e. Enter the installation path of the JDK or JRE in the Value window, and click the Set button. Typically, the JDK or JRE is installed on C:\jdk1.1.4 or C:\jre1.1.4. In this case, the correct path for JDK and JRE is C:\jdk1.1.4\bin or C:\jre1.1.4\bin. 3. Run the installation: - For Solaris users, enter the following command on the command line: tar xvf filtereditor10_solaris.tar ./filtereditor_install.bin - For other UNIX users, enter the following commands on the command line: mkdir /Lucent mkdir /Lucent/FilterEditor cp filtereditor10_unix.tar /Lucent/FilterEditor cd /Lucent/FilterEditor tar xvf filtereditor10_unix.tar - For Windows users, unzip the filtereditor10.zip file, and run the filtereditor_install.exe program. Follow the instructions in the installation. Running FilterEditor On Windows NT or Windows 95 systems, select the FilterEditor icon from the Lucent folder in your Start, Programs menu. On UNIX systems, type "filtereditor" at your command tool window from the FilterEditor installation directory. If you add the FilterEditor installation directory to your PATH, you can run FilterEditor from anywhere. When running FilterEditor, you can use the following options: -h -u -p -g -l (specifies the local directory) Use -h, -u, and -p together to force FilterEditor to log in to the specified PortMaster at startup. For example: filtereditor -h xxxxxx -u \!root -p xxxxx The -g option specifies the debug level. Valid debug level values are the following: 0 - NONE - No debug output 10 - FATAL_ERRORS - Debug output for fatal errors only 20 - ALL_ERRORS - Debug output for all errors (the default) 30 - DEBUG - Useful debug information 40 - VERBOSE - More debug than you can possibly stand The -l option sends all debug output to the directory FilterEditor is installed in. By default, all debug output is sent to the Lucent\FilterEditor directory created in your home directory. On UNIX machines, this default works properly. However, the concept of a home directory is not so clear on PCs and seems to differ for each vendor's Java Virtual Machine. Try looking for one of the following: c:\java\Lucent\FilterEditor c:\users\\Lucent\FilterEditor c:\windows\Lucent\FilterEditor If you still cannot find the directory that contains the debug output, do a Find, File for debuglog.txt. Limitations in FilterEditor 1.0 - The scroll bar might not work correctly if you have JDK or JRE 1.1.3 or earlier. Use JDK or JRE 1.1.4 or later. - When FilterEditor is run under Motif or OpenWindows the following text might appear but does not indicate any runtime problems in FilterEditor. Warning: Name: scrollbar Class: XmScrollBar The scrollbar page increment is less than 1. Send your questions, comments, and suggestions regarding this software to support@livingston.com. Mention that you are running FilterEditor 1.0 and include the version of JDK or JRE that you are running, the operating system version ("uname -a" output), and the version of ComOS(R) on the PortMaster. The "About FilterEditor..." menu item in the Help menu displays the version of FilterEditor you are running, including the build date, debug level, and location of runtime debug files. ________________________________________________________________________ Copyrights and Trademarks Copyright 1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. PortMaster, ComOS, and ChoiceNet are registered trademarks of Lucent Technologies, Inc. RADIUS ABM, PMVision, and IRX are trademarks of Lucent Technologies, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Notices Lucent Technologies, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this publication, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Lucent Technologies., Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Contacting Technical Support Lucent Technologies Remote Access Business Unit (previously Livingston Enterprises) provides technical support via voice, fax, electronic mail, or through the World Wide Web at http://www.livingston.com/. Please specify that you are running FilterEditor 1.0 when reporting problems with this release. Internet service providers (ISPs) and other end users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, and Pakistan should contact their authorized Lucent Remote Access sales channel partner for technical support; see http://www.livingston.com/International/EMEA/distributors.html For North and South America and Asia Pacific customers, technical support is available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time (GMT -8). Dial 1-800-458-9966 within the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, and the Caribbean, or 1-925-737-2100 from elsewhere, for voice support. Otherwise, fax to 1-925-737-2110, or send email to support@livingston.com (asia-support@livingston.com for Asia Pacific customers).